My Place in This World

My Place in This World

Thirty years ago, Michael W. Smith released a song called Place in this World that was tremendously popular. It speaks of waiting hopefully with a head full of dreams, but this ‘becoming’ being harder than it seems. He asks the questions: where do I belong and is there a vision that I can call my own? He’s looking for a reason and trying to find his place in this world. He never mentions God, but it is implied in that out of millions down on their knees asking for something he wants to know if he can be heard. It can be a bit frustrating in the ‘I want it all and I want it NOW’ mindset that is so prevalent today to not have the clouds part and gold feathers to fall from the sky and form letters that spell out God’s plan for us! Just a sign, Lord, or even a little HINT about direction would be greatly appreciated…

The words touch on a sentiment felt by every thinking person. Everyone who has ever lived has questioned why they are here and what is the purpose for their lives. It is also universally known that very few have gotten their answer in such dramatic fashion. 😊

But it is possible to know the will of God without clouds and feathers. It’s in the Bible. Very simply put, EVERY disciple of Christ is expected to ‘Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth…’ Colossians 3:2 and stop indulging in earthly behaviors that conflict with the TWO things that Jesus told His followers to do: Love God and love each other! (Matthew 22:37-39). Just behave decently and exercise restraint, compassion, kindness, humility, and meekness. We are told to love, forgive and be patient with one another. The peace of Christ is to rule in our hearts and to be thankful. ‘And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’ Verse 17.

Here’s the kicker – if we can’t do these things, which are general and universal, how can we expect to be entrusted with something specific – something unique? Who’s to say that God won’t expect us to serve Him through something unpleasant or difficult? Without having developed the perseverance to do the general things, how can we possibly have the strength to musclethrough the hard stuff? How can we impact the world with an amazing show of God’s power when we can’t even manage civility and kindness to our own families?

I can hear it in my head now, my whining to God: ‘You see, Lord, that bit about being kind and compassionate and humble was boring. And don’t get me started on forgiving just every little thing because what she said to me was just flat out nasty after I had been so nice to her! And You KNOW I don’t have any patience! How am I supposed to just ignore the fact that it takes him FOREVER to get ready to go anywhere? So howsabout we just gloss over this same old same old and go straight to the good stuff you want me to do? You know, the BIG stuff! I need me some JEWELS in my crown…just sayin.’

It’s a true miracle that God doesn’t just smack me into next week.

Being receptive to the leading of the Holy Spirit isn’t automatic and it isn’t effortless. It requires a heart forever changed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a commitment to obey what He tells us to do IN ALL THINGS. It can be difficult to feel special when all God is asking you to do first is to be kind. Be gentle. Be forgiving. Be helpful. Live in peace in your small corner of influence. Be attentive. Serve another. Lend a hand. It’s hard not to want fire from heaven and flaming hail and thousands healed with a touch. We all want to be a soldier like Joshua; the father of a nation like Abraham; a judge like Deborah; a king like David; a prophet like Ezekiel; a beloved disciple like John; a great evangelist like Paul. But they shared a common trait – obedience unto death in what God fashioned for their lives. It is devotion unheard of in modern times.

If you have truly come to faith in Jesus, then it is vital for you to cultivate a heart that is receptive to God’s Word and His truth, not just a version of our own that picks and chooses the parts we are ‘comfortable’ with. The only way to do this is to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, read Romans 12:2, and be obedient.


Until next time, I remain In His Service

<>< Cass


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